How The Best Forex Chart Colours- (Can Improve A Traders Focus!)

Best forex chart colours

This is something that has aided me a great deal, and if you are looing for the best Forex chart colours to trade with. Then you’re in the right place!

One distraction that I really did not even understand was a concern was chart info overload.

Simply put, I had way too many colours on my charts.

The two best Forex chart colours to use in your trading are the colour blue that makes you feel tranquil and loosened up. It has also been found to decrease your heart rate and high blood pressure. It is also relaxing from a physical perspective. And the colour green, that draws out a great deal of sensations of serenity as well as triggers a relaxing effect. Many individuals also think the colour green to hold specific healing qualities.

If you’re new here and are only just starting out, you might benefit from my latest post on how to start trading from home. Which you can check out clicking here.

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The Side-By-Side Contrast Of A Forex Chart

I have actually seen people utilising black and white charts, and I questioned if it really helped to set them up by doing this with the best Forex chart colours to trade with?

During a round of back testing, I offered it a shot.

It was in fact rather impressive. That seems like an exaggeration, yet it’s not.

I had the ability to back test regarding 5 years of data on the 1 hour chart, in one sitting. Normally, I would certainly find myself giving up after one year of historic data.

To find out more on back testing and how you can improve your results with correct back testing you should check out this lesson clicking here.

So I sat down and asked myself why did that hold true. I put the two charts side-by-side.

I looked at each one and took an inner supply of just how I really felt. When looking at the black and white coloured chart, I observed that I really did feel much more calmer.

Tell me, exactly how do you feel when you check out the green and red chart colours?

Probably a little more nervous or sidetracked?

For me, it was both.

backtesting in Forex

Why Forex Chart Colour Styles Really Matter?

As most of us know, the candle colours are simply a means to represent price data … if the candle closed up or down. with the best Forex chart colours to trade with, that may not seem like a huge deal, at first.

However you might not know that those colours can also stand for various other things in your subconscious. This will be different for various individuals, depending upon your natural tendencies and life experiences.

The colours might not influence you at all.

However, if the colours do influence you, after that this is added details that your brain has to process every single time you take a look at a chart. For instance, you might unconsciously associate the following things with regards to the colours of red and green.

  • Red: danger, losing, blood, scary clown noses
  • Green: money, “go” on a traffic signal, in the green growth

Marketers in the trading industry know this and also have made a scientific research out of it.

In fact, lets take a look now at the different colours with regards to the best Forex chart colours you might want to use in your own trading.

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The Influence of trading colours In Forex Trading

Colours have a huge influence in our life, no people can deny it, they impact the method we think, the way we act and also basically control numerous facets of our life.

In fact there is very little elements in life that are not affected in some way by colours.

In trading, we know that our feelings and also state of mind have a huge effect on our performance as well as how we respond to circumstances in the marketplace.

Remarkably, it can often be straightforward points that influence our feelings and moods, with one really easy thing being colours, and even more so with the best Forex chart colours to trade with.

For that reason, as part of our constant look for even more marginal gains in trading, we determined to comprehend more concerning how colours may impact our trading performance.

Let’s look at some instances, at a young age it is not unusual for boys as well as girls to see certain colours differently, young girls tend to prefer pink and young boys have a tendency to favour blue.

To think a young boy can be scared tight by pink and also not wanting to connect with this colour is major, well at least it is for a young boy and I bear in mind, no means was I going to have pink on my school bag or pink on my lunch box.

However, wait on right here, pink is simply a colour and a not a negative colour at that.

It continues on with red being a colour associated with the fact to stop on traffic lights when we drive a car as well as green being a colour to go. Overall colours and also symbols have a massive impact in our day to day life.

Now, prior to I move onto resolving this influence of trading colours in Forex, especially with the best Forex chart colours to trade with. First quit, shut your eyes as well as picture driving to a traffic signal intersection.

Now think of driving through a red light at the intersection or quitting on an green light at the intersection.

It’s just unheard of, you wouldn’t do it would you? The mind wouldn’t allow it to happen. You see our minds are programmed this way and the same is said with our trading.

Now let’s look deeper into the Foreign exchange Chart, as well as check out some colours and there results on the mind.

The Different Chart Colours In Forex Trading

Can it be that particular colours can impact us similarly on a Forex Chart in how we see the chart, and impact the best Forex chart colours to trade with.

Typical green and also Red Chart– Looks Right Yeah?


What regarding the Reverse with Red rising as well as green Down, how do you really feel?


Would you find this hard to process the setups to allow your mind to actually say that’s a buy or sell?

What about a all red chart?


How does Total Red Make you really feel? Are you feeling a little baffled as well as strained?

Perhaps all green chart?


Green seems much better, but is it actually? Does it seem like the marketplace is up constantly?

These are all questions you need to aske yourself before using colours in this way.

What about the traditional white and black chart I briefly spoke about earlier on in this post. Do you find these colours more appealing to trade with.

This allows you to go back to the fundamentals once again, the Criterion Black and White Design template I make use of on a normal weekly basis.

Nonetheless what if you have the black as up and also white as down. How do you feel currently?


Let me understand just how you really feel overall, did any one of these charts have you puzzled, stressed or another fascinating psychological response?


4 Different Emotional Key Colours That Affect Our State Of Mind


A cool and also tranquil colour, making us really feel tranquil and loosened up. It has also been found to decrease your heart rate and high blood pressure, so it is also relaxing from a physical perspective.

Blue can additionally be connected with really feeling down, hence the saying ‘having the blues’ or ‘Blue Monday’.

If you’re having an especially poor month in the markets, possibly stay clear of using shades of blue.

With that being said, a all blue chart colours, I have found to dramatically increase my success in trading the markets, with the best Forex chart colours to trade with. It can also have a relaxed calm approach especially when you have found yourself in a losing position.

So I suggest to try the colour of blue out in your own trading to see how it effects your emotions. Just like the chart I use below in my Fractal Level Trading Training, which you can learn more on clicking here.



Commonly associated with hope, exhilaration or happiness, but it is also associated with intelligence and also an inquisitive mind. This sounds like the ideal characteristics for an individual: pleased, optimistic and also favourable yet likewise intelligent and also analytical.

Nonetheless, yellow can likewise evoke inflammation as well as anger. This could be because of the amount of light in the colour, which means the eyes have to concentrate a bit harder, as a result putting more strain on the eye.

Perhaps not the best colour to have as your chart background, and not the best Forex chart colours to trade with either. But yet perhaps a consideration for your trading area.


Green draws out a great deal of sensations of serenity as well as triggers a relaxing effect, and one of the best Forex chart colours to trade with. Many individuals also think the colour to hold specific healing qualities.

As we understand, in the marketplace we intend to be psychologically neutral as high as possible. Being serene as well as calm is an ideal problem to be in.


From love and warmth, to temper as well as threat; red brings up a range of feelings. It can also indicate power and supremacy. Some researches have actually shown that in physical competition, red can really improve efficiency.

From a physical viewpoint, red can also enhance heart rate as well as blood pressure. The boosted levels of exhilaration it can cause also suggests also much red can lead to stress and anxiety.

It is commonly used for danger signs, so maintaining us on edge throughout specific minutes may be a good thing to a specific degree. So for these reasonings I would steer clear from using red in your chart colours when possible.

Removing it from my own trading dramatically created a calmer effect and less high emotions, especially when taking losses. And most defiantly not one of the best Forex chart colours to trade with.


All colours can have a negative and favourable impact on our psychology. This is established by your very own personality, attributes and experiences.

If you are experiencing trading difficult, then you need to read this previous post on what makes trading difficult clicking here.

Something that might be relaxing for someone, may be bothersome for another person.

This indicates, we require to explore various colours and not stay with default or accepted norms in terms of chart colours as well as various other products you might enter into contact with during your trading session.

We likewise require to be sure to utilise colours in a significant method, instead of selecting arbitrary colours for levels on our charts, as you may subconsciously affix indicating to these colours and also lead to complication in your reasoning.

When there are particular things that you want to have highlighted, Colours are beneficial. If there is a degree or area on the graph that you desire your focus to remain on vibrant, lively colours will certainly maintain you attracted to this.

By maintaining various other details in neutral or cooler colours, you won’t side-track from the bottom lines you intend to see.

To think a young boy can be frightened stiff by pink and not wanting to associate with this colour is serious, well at least it is for a young boy as well as I bear in mind, no means was I going to have pink on my school bag or pink on my lunch box.

Those extra thoughts are swimming around in your head whenever you wish to put a trade as well as are eating up beneficial brain handling power. They might additionally influence your trading if your organizations are strong enough.

An evident instance that comes to mind is: If you have a solid association in between red as well as threat, then that might trigger you to avoid of brief professions (given that dropping candle lights are red).

At an extremely standard degree, for a fraction of a second, your mind will ask the inquiry …

Wait, what do red and green mean once more?

… every single time you look at a chart.

Why go through the extra anxiety?

If you use the standard black and white candles, that connects the exact same point as coloured candles, yet without the added luggage.

When I started making use of black and also white charts, the bottom line is that I discovered myself much less tired.

Remember a cool and peaceful colour, making us really feel tranquil as well as loosened up. Blue being one of my own preferred best forex chart colours to use as well.

But remember the colour blue can likewise be linked with feeling down, thus the stating ‘having the blues’ or ‘Blue Monday’.

All colours can have a unfavourable and also positive impact on our psychology. If there is a degree or area on the chart that you desire your emphasis to stay on bold, vivid colours will maintain you drawn to this. By keeping various other info in neutral or cooler colours, you will not distract from the major points you want to see.

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